“No I’m fine. Thanks for the offer though!” “Anytime.” They drove in relative silence the rest of the way. -- Michael turned onto a dirt road that divided 2 small pastures. On their left were 6 mini horses, and on their right were 4 full grown males. Jennifer looked around as they drove down the road, “This is so pretty!” “Yeah it’s pretty nice out here.” “Do you own all these horses?” Michael laughed, “No no no, I only own one. You’ll see her in a minute. There’s a woman who owns this property and takes care of the horses.” Michael pulled up to a row of tall, thick green grass and parked. They got out and Michael gestured for Jennifer to follow him. Jennifer glanced at Michael’s car, “Did you buy this?” Michael chuckled, “Nope, my parents bought that for me after I graduated college. They heard me brag for years of wanting a Camaro,. " i turned to face Lizzy and gave her a kiss. She took the half smoked fag out of my hand and finished it her self. She turned to me and said "Lets go to your house I can think of something entertaining to do" I smiled at Lizzy as she was pulling on my tie and said "really" so Lizzy pulled me along with my tie to my car with this guy still insight I shouted bye to him and Lizzy said "bye McKenzie see ya tomorrow" Half way down the road Lizzy said to me "What was you two talking about?" i kept my eyes on the road and said "He asked me for a light and mentioned he had seen me in class" the rest of the drive home we was tilled by talking about the plans for my brithday.when i was pulling into my drive Lizzy smiled at me and said "I'm going to fuck you so hard" Strangly enough when Lizzy said that my mind flashed back to the waiter what was his name Mckenzie just for a second. When we got inside Lizzy was all over me and normally i wanted her to be but tonight i wasn't getting any.
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